In the summer of 2017 a unique item (above) showed up at auction and this reporter was fortunate to obtain it – it appeared to be a press or form for the American pressed fiber sun helmet. Recently a reader explained to me exactly how this item was used, and now it confirms that this was in fact used by Hawley Products Company, the maker of the pressed fiber helmets.
According to reader William McClellan:
The die in question is actually a forming buck used in the fabric stretching room. The male buck was mounted on a hydraulic ram with a completed sun hat shell on top of it with contact cement applied – then a square of fabric was placed on top of the shell. This fabric stretched taunt by two workers before being raised in to the female side of this mold for heat curing.

The male buck as it was mounted on a hydraulic ram. As described by Mr. McClellan, two operators than stretched the fabric over the helmet. (Private collection)

Helmets in the process of the construction. (Private collection)
Mr. McClellan, who had two great aunts who worked for Hawley producing the helmets, was kind enough to provide some photos that showed the process in action. This insight better helps us understand how the helmets were produced, and we are fortunate that the details of this process have not been lost to the ages.

A World War II ad from Hawley Products Company. (Private collection)
Special thanks to William for sharing this information with us.
Greetings, I have one of the Hawley Products Co. Sun helmets. On the outside brim there are 3 letters stenciled in black, E. D S and on the inside brim, O E H. There is also a stamp of the Hawley Products Co. Any idea what the letters stand for? Thanks in advance, Gerald Fitzpatrick