Universal Pattern Helmet to the Lorne (Scots) Rifles


The Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin and Halton Regiment) is today a Primary Reserve Infantry regiment of the Canadian Army .The Lorne Scots originated in Brampton, Ontario in September 1866, as the 36th “Peel Battalion of Infantry,” and was redesignated as the 36th Peel Regiment in May 1900, as The Peel Regiment in May 1920 and The Peel and Dufferin Regiment in April 1923. In December 1936, it was amalgamated with The Lorne Rifles (Scottish) and redesignated The Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin and Halton Regiment).

The first Scottish connection was made in September 1879 when the Halton Rifles were reviewed by His Excellency The Marquis of Lorne and permission was received in 1881 to redesignate the 20th Halton Rifles as the 20th Halton Battalion Lorne Rifles. Continue reading

The Canadian Pressed Fiber Helmet of World War II


A Canadian World War II era pressed fiber helmet. While it was against regulations many regiments issued these helmets with cap badges. This example features a 21st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Corps cap badge. (Collection of the Author)

While little has been written about the American pressed fiber sun helmet, even less has been written about the versions used by Canada. According to our friend and colleague Clive Law the Canadian Army acquired the “fibre” helmets prior to the outbreak of the Second World War for summer training as a substitute for the more expensive and fragile Wolseley helmet.

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The Wolseley Helmet of Major George Henry William Baird, Seaforth Highlanders.


Major George H. W. Baird was born on 10 January 1903. He married Catherine Augusta Forester on 22 January 1931. George Baird was educated at Eton College, Eton, Berkshire, England.

George Baird was a Gentleman Cadet at the Royal Military College and was gazetted as a 2nd Lt in the Seaforth Highlanders on 30th August 1923. In October of 1928, Lt. G. H. W. Baird was selected for service on Staff and was appointed A.D.C. to the Governor & G.O.C. in C. (General Officer Commanding in Chief) Gibraltar. I believe this is the time period when he purchased this helmet. Continue reading

Mystery Solved – Victorian British General Staff Officer’s Foreign Service Helmet circa 1884-86

HeaderThe subject of this article is a Foreign Service Helmet that I acquired 10 or so years ago from an antique mall in Canada. The seller did not represent it as anything in particular. It was just an old military helmet and plume with no provenance. Since that time it has been the focus of much frustration, as I have tried to nail down exactly what it is. I must thank my new friend Stuart Bates, for his “dog with a bone” attitude in helping me finally identify it, with certainty! Also thanks to Clive M. Law, Benny Bough, and my old friend Douglas N. Anderson, for their assistance and contribution in this effort. Continue reading

The Luftwaffe Sun Helmet

LuftCrewWhen the German army headed to North Africa and other tropical regions during the Second World War it utilized the sun helmet. The Luftwaffe, Germany’s air arm, followed ground units to the Mediterranean theater where it made up a significant portion of the “Afrika Korps,” and included the Fliegerführer Afrika.

The Luftwafffe personnel, who included air crews, Flak troops and support units were equipped with a variation of the Model 1940 sun helmet. Continue reading

The Gloucestershire Back Badge

Battle of Alexandria 1801During the Battle of Alexandria in 1801 the 28th Foot (North Gloucestershire) Regiment was attacked from behind by the French. The commanding officer Lt. Col. Paget then gave the famous order “Rear rank, 28th. Right about face.” With consummate discipline the rear rank turned to face the attacking French and at short range fired one devastating volley which caused heavy casualties and forced the enemy’s withdrawal.

For this action the regiment was allowed the distinction of wearing badges on both the front and rear of the head-dress. Only the two regular battalions of the Gloucestershire Regiment, formed by the amalgamation of the 28th and 61st Regiments which occurred as a result of the Cardwell/Childers reforms of the British Army in 1881 were allowed this distinction. Militia and Volunteer battalions were not allowed this distinction. Continue reading

The Chinese Sun Helmet

Chinese1Many armies marched into China while wearing sun helmets. This included the European powers that fought in the Boxer Rebellion, the American soldiers that protected U.S. interests in the early 20th century, and notably the Japanese that invaded in 1937.

However, the sun helmet was also used by Nationalist forces during the prolonged war with Japan. Continue reading